How to Use TheraThroat?

First let's discuss what a Sore Throat is?

Sore throat is a common symptom of viral infections like cold or flu. It causes pain, irritation, and scratchiness of the throat which makes it painful to talk or swallow.

70% of sore throat cases are caused by viruses. Thus, one should not readily resort to antibiotics since a viral sore throat can usually resolve on its own though that could take several days to weeks.

You can deal with the pain and discomfort better with the right sore throat solution like Therathroat.

Germs localize and multiply, causing painful irritation

TheraThroat targets this irritation with therapeutic heat decreasing inflammation

Let's fight the Virus!

TheraThroat is specifically designed to target infected areas of the throat with therapeutic heat. Since the throat is warm and moist and has the ideal environment to become a reservoir for germs, it’s one of the most common parts of the body where bacteria and viruses thrive.

As soon as you feel that initial ‘tickle’ in your throat, you can start using our Therathroat device for a 20-minute session. Use the device at intervals throughout the day. For preventive use, you can choose the low power-orange setting. Using Therathroat as soon as you start feeling the symptom can help weaken the virus and help the body do the rest.

Stopping sore throat before it worsens can also save you from further symptoms like congestion and runny nose. In short, stopping a sore throat before its onset can save you a great deal of trouble and discomfort.

However, if the symptom is already fully onset, use Therathroat as many times as you can comfortably manage throughout the day until the pain is eased.

You also have the option of higher heat settings. You can adjust the heat up to 3 levels though we recommend using the higher settings with caution. The settings are meant for short 1-2-minute intervals as tolerable, and the device also comes with a 20-minute auto shutoff mechanism.

Mobility of TheraThroat

You can bring TheraThroat anywhere you go. With its portable and lightweight design, you can even use it when you sleep, watch TV, drive, work, and go about your regular routine. As long as there’s a USB port nearby, you’re good to go.

With the right adapter, you can even wear TheraThroat while walking around. With cold weather just around the corner, why not feel warmer while killing germs before they take over! Secure a handy sore throat device and enjoy a new way of managing sore throat from the comfort of your home! Use Therathroat to prevent or end the pesky sore throat discomfort.